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Newsletter № 4/2022: Stimulation of development of the digital economy in Ukraine: what is known about Diia City

, published 22 July 2022 at 09:48

Newsletter № 4/2022 contains information about action peculiarities taxation of participants of the Diia City IT industry regime, introduced by the Law of Ukraine № 1946 as of 14.12.2021 "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine on stimulating development of the digital economy in Ukraine".

Newsletter also contains the following information:

- what is Diia City;

- who is a resident of Diia City and who cannot be one;

- what types of activities are exclusive for a resident of this regime;

- who are the specialists of Diia City resident;

- taxation peculiarities under the legal regime of Diia City;

- corporate income taxation peculiarities;

- personal income taxation peculiarities;

- payment peculiarities of single contribution.

Read answers to these and other questions in the Newsletter here.